Welcome to Amateur Radio Station JP1MFV's Web Space! (Kagaya Official Web Space!)*****歡迎光臨業餘[火腿]電臺JP1MFV的網站*****

  QTH: Latitude:35-53-13.6N   Longitude:139-55-20.5E  

Operator : Kagaya,Y(加賀谷泰生)

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I make an effort to understand this Web Space in Japanese and English. Because I divide the inside of the    same page by a  block and divide Japanese and English, I consider even an English part contents only of Web Space to be understood. I suggest that you set your PC in the following procedure when you want to more enjoy this Web Space; You click "View" in toolbar of Explorer, And you choose "Japanese  (Auto-select or Shift-JIS)" in "Encoding". It is expected that Japanese is displayed precisely thereby. And, 
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Last Update: 29 Jan 2007

活動履歴 Activity history

Short-wave Listening I began activity in 1976.
Short-wave Listener Number  JA1-25343 This number was granted to me by Japan amateur radio league 
when participating in 1978.
(JA1-25343 use as call sign for '446user eQSO RF gateway'
from in 2004.<temporarily>)
Amateur radio Station JP1MFV It is licensed in 1983 by Japan government.
Amateur radio Station JM3BHD It is licensed in 1984 by Japan government.
And admitted QRV in USA by FCC of USA in 1987.

Amateur radio Station JF1YIV

Asia University Amateur Radio Club 
I operated this radio station as the member operator 

Amateur radio Station VR2JC JAROC H.K.
=Japanese Amateur Radio Oversaes Club in Hon Kong
I operated this radio station as the guest operator 

SLPR422:Specified Low Power Radio Station &
Citizen Band Radio Station
(Research of a Toy transceivers is also included.)
I established it in 2004.
I would like to verify the practicality of Low Power Radio System.

Call sign of PMR446 gateway network JP004 This number was granted to me by The PMR446 Gateway Team 
when participating in 2004.
PMR446 is a European standard of license unnecessary 
transceivers system.

Call sign of RSN DX GROUP "25 RSN 010"
This number was granted to me by RSN DX GROUP 
when participating in 2005.
活動内容 Activity contents

放送の受信 1976〜
文化放送(JOQR)番組モニター(嘱託) 1980

Hearing of Broadcasting Station (1976-)
*I was a  program monitor of Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Inc. 
(Call:JOQR) Tokyo, Japan.(1980)

無線通信の受信 1976〜 Hearing of radio communication (1976-)
(Include a facsimile and teletypewriter)

マイクロ・コンピューターの学習開始 1981〜

Learning start of a microcomputer (1981-)
*I was a  additional lecturer of Tokyo Kogakuin College
*I developed toy that is  RF-Messenger for Japanese kana & 
 alphanumeric character on
  250MHz Band.  (1998)
憲法学・比較憲法学を専攻。 1982-1986
I studied of the telecommunication law.
(Approach from study of the constitution law)

アマチュア無線家との交信 1983〜 I QSO with a other ham operators  (1983-)
VHFの異常伝播の実験 1986-1989 I studied about the irregularity transmission of VHF Radio wave. (1976-)
I observed about
irregularity transmission of VHF Radio wave.(1986-1989)
1994 現在実用化 テレホンJJYと呼称されている。
I participate project of "experiment of time information 
supply by a telephone line" 
Enforcement: National Research & Development Center 
for Radio Systems. (1994)
アメリカ合衆国 NOAAウェザーラジオネットワーク用受信機の制作(企画・基本仕様制作) 2001 American Weather Radio
I produced NOAA Weather Radio receiver 'WRP-series' 
for S.A.M.E. code for The NOAA Weather Radio network 
  (24GHz)K-Band の伝播実験と研究 2003-
使用設備:ARIB STD-T73 「特定小電力無線局移動体検知センサー用
YAMA (Yokohama Amateur Microwave Association)入会 2005
Micro Wave
I am researching transmission of Radio wave in 24GHz Band.
YAMA (Yokohama Amateur Microwave Association) was joined in 2005.
I experiment and research, about transmission of Radio wave for
a low power outputting radio equipment.
ex.)Citizen Band,FRS,PMR466 &
SLPR422:Specified Low Power Radio SyStem.
eQSOのによる国内外のUHF Walkie-talkie(免許不要)ユーザーとの交信
Investigation and study about communication with a person of radio 
by eQSO


Self introduction

Live Camera 

Satellite photograph for weather (Japan)

Kagaya does what now?
現在の日本上空の様子 (日本気象協会)から
Photograph renewal period is 300 seconds.
Operational time:
  at 0000-0900(UTC) on Monday-Friday addition, it operates at need
運用時間 月〜金曜日 0900〜1800 (ほかの時間は任意で運用)

The time which is stated in the photograph is JST(UTC+0900).
JST=The Japan standard time
陳述在相片的時間是JST (UTC+0900)。

(C) 2004 Japan Weather Association All rights Reserved.

加賀谷のスケジュール   *Schedule of Kagaya

Basic profile of Kagaya

加賀谷の最新の消息(近況)&話題 2005以降 <こちらも見てください。 The up-to-date news of Kagaya and 
topic around of Kagaya in 2005
<Please read also here.>
加賀谷の最新の消息(近況)&話題 2004

The up-to-date news of Kagaya and 
topic around of Kagaya in 2004

KAGAYAの絵画に関する想い Image about picture of KAGAYA ( sorry, Japanese only)
道具 Tool
テレタイプ感覚でリアルタイムの会話ができるシステム Teletypewriter like the system which can converse real time.

What is Skype?
Skype とは、世界中どこへでも無料電話が、今すぐお楽しみいただける、操作が簡単な無料のソフトウェアです。
We’ve got a simple bit of software we want to give you. 
It’ll let you make free phone calls to your friends all 
over the world. And we don’t want any money for it. 
It’s free.

Convenient tool on Internet (resources)


歡迎交換連結! 業餘電臺的網站 The link to PAGE of other radio station
千葉県松戸市在住 7N4OHJさんのページ

The page of 7N4OHJ in Chiba-prf. Matsudo city.
He focusing on 430MHz is active. 
And topic of the taxi is abundant.

ドイツ ハンブルグ在住 DE3RPCさんのページ
SWL CB&PMR で活躍されています。
The page of DE3RPC
He is German SWL.
Guest Book
for Japanese for English 
*Guest Book
Thank you for looking at my homepage.
Because I want to make this homepage more interesting.
 Please describe an impression and an opinion.
このWeb Space へのリンクについて My policy regarding LINK.
私はこのWeb Spaceがより多くのかたにご覧頂きたく、以下の事項を拒みません。
1.ご自分のWeb PageからこのWeb Spaceにリンクを張るここと。
2.第三者にこのWeb Pageの存在を知らせること。
3.このWeb Spaceを検索等エンジンに登録されること。

Because I want this Web Space knowing in many people,
I do not refuse as follows,
A) You can link to this Web Space from your Page unconditionally.
B) You inform about the existence of this web space the third party.
C) You register this web space to the search engine and the like.
And, you have not obligation which contacts to me.
However, I reserve the following right.
A) The item regarding my reputation
B) The item regarding my copyright

並且, 您沒有接觸對我的義務。
但是, 我預留以下權利。



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